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Start! moving toward 1 billion steps
Vanderbilt is partnering with the American Heart Association to offer the Start!
initiative. Health Plus and Vanderbilt Heart are providing this physical
activity program for faculty and staff and encouraging everyone to participate
in reaching the goal of 1,000 participants and an updated goal of 1 billion
combined steps by Oct. 31.
You can register by going to Health Plus Web site www.healthplus.vanderbilt.edu, and clicking on the green Start! button.
Each registered participant also receives a step pedometer, a paper tracking log
for your activities, and resources to help you succeed. Receive your starter
bag by visiting Health Plus during all hours of operation or stop by at the
Vanderbilt Valet at Medical Center North or the Children’s Hospital. Each participant will also have access to a variety of walking maps
for the Vanderbilt area and be able to participate in walking events all year
long that will help you move more.
Even those who prefer a physical activity other than walking can participate.
Since Start! is about being more physically active, the site allows staff and
faculty to track other activities. Any activity can be converted to steps
through the online tracker.
Participants can qualify for prizes for each of three challenges during the
year. During the currently under way Challenge 2, participants with 150,000
steps or more before July 31 receive a backpack as a prize. All activities for
Challenge 2 must be entered in the Online Step Tracker by Aug. 7.
Those with a total of 450,000 steps at the end of Challenge 3 will also be
entered in a drawing for bigger prizes.
Health Plus will host a celebration of the end of Challenge 2 on Wednesday, Aug.
6, from noon to 1 p.m. in the courtyard behind Light Hall. Planned events
include an ice cream giveaway, door prizes, and learning who achieved the most
activity during the Challenge.
Life Phase Series
The Life Phase series showcases speakers who have ideas to help staff and
faculty balance work and home responsibilities. This month’s Life Phase series is titled “Preventing Injury as we Age,” presented by Scott Cooper from the Vanderbilt Orthopaedics Institute. The
program will be held Thursday, July 17, from noon to 1 p.m. in 419 Light Hall.
Babies and You
Health Plus offers Babies and You, a work site prenatal health promotion
program, to all Vanderbilt employees, spouses and dependents. The program
encourages early and consistent prenatal care and provides monthly educational
opportunities on issues relating to perinatal health.
Enrollment is voluntary and free but must be completed during the first
trimester of pregnancy. Call 343-8943 to enroll and learn how mothers-to-be can
earn a $100 savings bond (taxable) for their new baby. Fathers-to-be and
grandparents-to-be are welcome. Door prizes are given at each program.
All classes are from noon to 1 p.m. This month’s class is “Nutrition: Eating for Two,” presented by Marilyn Holmes, Health Plus manager and registered dietitian. The
class will be Thursday, June 17, in 411 Light Hall.
Group Fitness News
Fitness through Dance— This class is held Mondays at 6:15 p.m. and the featured dance changes monthly.
The dance for June is Nia, a fusion of dance moves and more, and in July, learn
the basics of belly dancing.
The Aerobic Challenge—Participants will be rewarded for participating in a variety of group fitness
classes offered at Health Plus through Aug. 21. Each group fitness class equals
one point, and those who take the superclass on Aug. 21 will earn four points.
Those who earn 33 points—which works out to two-and-a-half classes a week—win a prize. Those who earn 55 points—four classes a week—will win a bigger prize. Participants also can earn bonus points throughout the
challenge. There will be a grand prize for the person taking the most classes.
Boot Camp—Held Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., this is an intense, full body workout that focuses
on all muscles. It includes drills such as push ups, jumping jacks and
crunches. Boot Camp meets at the Campus Recreation Center outdoor track.
Organized Track—This is a class for intermediate to advanced runners. Participants will practice
speed work, which includes intervals of 400 meters up to 1600 meters. The
distance and time is based upon your individual fitness level. This class meets
every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30 p.m., rain or shine, at the Campus
Recreation Center outdoor track.
Health and Wellness offers Podcasts
Health and Wellness now offers weekly podcasts. Listen to brief interviews, tips
and tidbits on a variety of health and wellness topics ranging from
deep-breathing exercises to surviving divorce to preparing for overseas travel.
Visit www.vanderbilt.edu/HRS/wellness/hwpodcast.htm to listen from your computer or your MP3 Player.
Eldercare Checklists Online
Those who are caring for an elderly parent or in-law and who are searching for
an appropriate facility to aid in that care may find help with one of the
eldercare checklists that will help when choosing a facility for your loved one
on the Vanderbilt Child and Family Center Web site at www.childandfamilycenter.vanderbilt.edu.
Occupational Health Clinic
hits the road
The Occupational Health Clinic now visits Vanderbilt Hospital and Monroe Carell
Jr. Children’s Hospital each month to help make getting shots and skin tests even more
convenient for hospital staff. Staff and faculty may drop by during any of
these sessions to get all the immunizations and testing needed. To help
managers track compliance, the performance evaluation system will automatically
know whether OHC has your information up to date or not, so act now to beat the
OHC staff are in room 6107 of VUH from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the fourth Monday of
each month, and in the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, room 7011, from 1:15 to 4:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each
Services provided are immunizations, TB skin tests, screening/review of records
and lab collections for required screening.
Help for Domestic Violence
—Right Here
Domestic violence, stalking, emotional abuse and sexual assault are problems we
don’t want to think about, but for some faculty and staff members at Vanderbilt,
they can’t stop thinking about it because it is their reality. If this applies to you,
contact Project Safe with Work/Life Connections-EAP, at 936-1327.
Go for the Gold 2008 under way
The 2008 edition of Go for the Gold is about to get under way, with several
changes. As last year, full time active, benefits eligible staff and faculty
can complete the Gold Level of the Go For The Gold Incentives Program and
receive $20 per month in wellness credit in 2008. More than 13,000 faculty and
staff participated in the program last year, and are being rewarded by
Vanderbilt for engaging in healthy lifestyle practices.
Here are the steps:
Step 1
Do your yearly Health Risk Assessment to learn what your health risks are and
what you can do to become as healthy as possible.
Step 2
Do your yearly Wellness Action Log to focus on healthy actions that will help
you maintain or improve your health.
Step 3
View the 2008 Game Plan For Your Health, which is titled “Five Keys to Financial Health.”
Steps one and two are also available for spouses and domestic partners of staff
and faculty, which adds a wellness credit of $5 for each step.
There is also help available at the following times and places:
Thursday, July 31, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, room 2104,9 a.m.-
4 p.m.
At Health Plus during all hours of operation
At the Occupational Health Clinic,
9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
The deadline for completion is Nov. 30.